
Diagnostio Test Don't Mess with Texas! (1) In 1985, littering in Yexas was a problem as big as the state itself, and Texans needed to learn that it was not okay (2) To combal the growing pollution near roadways, tho "Don't Mass with Texas" littering campaign was started. (3) The Texas Highway Commission initiated a broad public education campaign it used research in determine which age groups littered most and how to reach them to stop (4) Funded by the Texas Department of Transportation, a stale wide advertising campaign came to life in 1996 with the intention of reducing littering around the state. (5)The premier of the first television advertisement featured legendary guitarist Slevie Ray Vaugbn singing at the Cotton Bowl Classic sporting event on January 2,1986. (6) Since its inception, "Don't Mess with Texas" has become a slogan in Texas, as well as a source of cultural pritic in the state (7) Many well-known celebrities have appeared in the television commercials, including Mathow Mc Conaughey, Willie Nelson, and LeAnn Rimes (B) By 2005, littering had dropped 33 percent since 2001. and 71 percent of Texans knew that "Don't Mess with Texas" means don't litter (9) __ it is the most successful anti-intering campaign in the country, with over 82 percent of Texans who understand what the slogan means. (10) The "Don't Mess with Texas' campaign has won many awards, including Advertising Week's 2006 Walk of Fame contest for America's favorite slogan.(11) It 4 Which sentence is the thesis statement of the passage? A. sentence 1 OB. sentence 2 OC. sentence 3 CD. sentence 4 Reset

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RamonMestre · Tutor por 5 anos
The thesis statement of the passage is found in sentence 2: "To combat the growing pollution near roadways tho 'Don't Mass with Texas' littering campaign was started." This sentence introduces the main topic and purpose of the passage, which is about the initiation of the "Don't Mess with Texas" campaign to address littering issues.
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