
2. Who firs t discovered the ge 'm theory of disease? C)Morphology A) F rederic k Banting B)Jam es Watt 1.The study of interna I structure of an or ganism is A)Histology B) Anatomy D) Systematic 1.Choose the Best answer from the give alternatives C)Lovis Pasteor D) none 3.Which of the fo llowing biological science the finger print B in DNA molecule blood typing to criminal and civi I laws ? A)Biotech ology B) Forensi e science C) Bio informatics 4.Which of the follow ing is the study of structur e and fune tion of the info rmation al molec ules? D) none A) molecula Biology B) Cell biology C) Cytology 5. Which one of the following is pro duction of rav v material the silk by raising silk worm? D)none A) Pisc culture B) Sericult ure C)Apiculture D) Agroforestry 6. Con apounds that have the same molecula form la but different structures an properties are called A ) monomer s B) Polym ers C) Ison ners D)none 7.The six common elements in livin g thing are B) C. C a.H.O.N&P A) C .H.O.N.K.&.S. C) C.P.H . O.K.&S D) C H.O.N .P&S 8. Which one of the followin g compound is not a ca bohydrate? A) cellulose B) G ycogen C) choles terol D) starch 9.The basic building block m olecule s the it make up the carb ohydrates are A)Amino acids B) mono accharide C) Nucleotides D) none 10 What chemica l process is inv olved in the sy nthesis of polymers? A) Hy drolysis B)ondensation C) R emoval of water D)only B&C 11. Which one of the following Monosacch arides has the ketone functional group? A) Glucose B) Ribu lose C)Ribose D) Galactose 12.Which one of the following is found in the cell wales of fung and in the exoskeletor of an insects? A) cellulose B) Chitin C) peptidogl yean D)starch 13.The typica l energy storage form of carbohydrate in animals is A) starch B) sucrose c) G lycogen D)Celulose 14.How many different kinds of amino acids are there for proteir l synthesis A) 32 B)20 C)22 D)26 15. Which one of the following polymer-monomer association is a correct one? A ) Nucleic acid amino acid C) proteir in ucleotide D) all B) pol sacchride __ glucose 16 . Which one of the following iss not a function of po lysaccharic les in organism is? A formatio of ce ll walls C) Energy storage B structural support D Storage of hereditary in ormation 17.Which one of the following is the bond that links two amin o acids is called __ D) none A) GI cosidic bond B) Pepti de bond C) disace haride

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LucianoProfissional · Tutor por 6 anos
2. The correct answer is C) Louis Pasteur. He is credited with developing the germ theory of disease, which states that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases.<br /><br />1. The correct answer is B) Anatomy. Anatomy is the study of the internal structure of an organism.<br /><br />1. The correct answer is D) none. The given alternatives do not provide a correct answer.<br /><br />3. The correct answer is B) Forensic science. Forensic science uses biological techniques such as DNA fingerprinting and blood typing to assist in criminal and civil laws.<br /><br />4. The correct answer is A) Molecular Biology. Molecular biology is the study of the structure and function of informational molecules such as DNA and RNA.<br /><br />5. The correct answer is B) Sericulture. Sericulture is the production of raw materials like silk by raising silkworms.<br /><br />6. The correct answer is C) Isomers. Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structures and properties.<br /><br />7. The correct answer is D) C, H, O, N, P, & S. These are the six common elements found in living things.<br /><br />8. The correct answer is C) Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a carbohydrate; it is a type of lipid.<br /><br />9. The correct answer is B) Monosaccharides. Monosaccharides are the basic building blocks of carbohydrates.<br /><br />10. The correct answer is D) only B & C. The synthesis of polymers involves both condensation and removal of water.<br /><br />11. The correct answer is B) Ribulose. Ribulose is a monosaccharide that contains a ketone functional group.<br /><br />12. The correct answer is B) Chitin. Chitin is found in the cell walls of fungi and in the exoskeleton of insects.<br /><br />13. The correct answer is C) Glycogen. Glycogen is the typical energy storage form of carbohydrate in animals.<br /><br />14. The correct answer is B) 20. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids used for protein synthesis.<br /><br />15. The correct answer is B) polysaccharide-glucose. Polysaccharides are polymers made up of glucose monomers.<br /><br />16. The correct answer is D) Storage of hereditary information. Polysaccharides do not store hereditary information; that function is performed by nucleic acids.<br /><br />17. The correct answer is B) Peptide bond. A peptide bond is the bond that links two amino acids together in a protein.
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